live training over the internet.

live training over the internet.

Face-to-face, live training over the Internet. INSET online aim to make live online training the go-to solution for your employees, saving them time and you money. To make this happen we will transform your training into an interactive, engaging, high quality, live online event.
Save time, save money and protect the environment, but without compromising on quality. Those are pretty compelling reasons. Online training involves no travel, so no time is wasted, no carbon is emitted and no money is spent getting to expensive venues. We also help you to deliver online training that is as good as, or better than, the training you currently offer face to face.
Working with you, we will provide a total solution. Give us your trainers and content and we will create and manage truly outstanding live online training. You can sit back and watch!
We are the leading supplier of online training services in the UK education sector. We deliver over 1000 live online events every year. We are now looking for partners beyond the education field to extend our brand of training.
We are the leading supplier of online training services in the UK education sector. We deliver over 1000 live online events every year. We are now looking for partners beyond the education field to extend our brand of training.
Working with you, we will provide a total solution. Give us your trainers and content and we will create and manage truly outstanding live online training. You can sit back and watch!
Save time, save money and protect the environment, but without compromising on quality. Those are pretty compelling reasons. Online training involves no travel, so no time is wasted, no carbon is emitted and no money is spent getting to expensive venues. We also help you to deliver online training that is as good as, or better than, the training you currently offer face to face.
Face-to-face, live training over the Internet. INSET online aim to make live online training the go-to solution for your employees, saving them time and you money. To make this happen we will transform your training into an interactive, engaging, high quality, live online event.

What is online training?

What is online training?

Why train online?
1. Save time
Think about how much time is spent by a member of staff travelling to a training venue. Now multiply that by the number of staff who receive the training. That probably adds up to a lot of time - time that could be spend on their core role. Train online and your employees do not need to leave their desk - and you get all that time back.
2. Save money
Apart from the time spent away from performing their core role, sending staff on training is expensive. Transport and overnight accommodation costs can be considerable, and even coffees and lunches soon add up. With INSET online you pay a flat fee for each delegate to attend and, typically, this is lower than the basic cost for a conference room - even before you add on all the extras.
3. Save the environment
It is becoming a bit of a cliché, but reducing carbon emissions should be a consideration for every organisation. For an online event no one needs to travel, therefore there is no carbon footprint other than the energy used by the computers that connect.
4. Greater access to your best trainers
You know the deal - your best trainers are in high demand and there are just not enough days in the year to meet that demand. By training online trainers get all of the time-saving benefits that delegates do. They can train from home or work and can avoid spending endless days in dreary hotels. They can train more often and will be fresher and more motivated.
5. A proven, reliable method
INSET online have been working with major clients for over six years and in that time we have demonstrated that online training really works - that’s how we keep our clients! We successfully deliver over 1000 online events a year, with up to 30 events a day, although we have the capacity to do even more. And we receive consistently good feedback from delegates, trainers and our clients.

How does it work?
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Like most good ideas, INSET online was born out of a need. We had a company that had to deliver a large amount of training to busy teachers who did not have time to leave the classroom and travel to training sessions. We were also finding it very expensive to deliver training in hotels around the country. For this reason we decided to try live training online.
Once we realized it worked, we approached one of the major UK Exam boards about delivering their training to teachers online and have been working with them ever since - it’s been over six years now.
We have expanded our operations to include the other two main exam boards and a number of smaller organisations within the education sector. We now deliver well over 1,000 events a year to more than 20,000 individuals.
We feel that our track record speaks for itself, but here is what some of our customers say about us:
"INSET Online has given us a new way to reach many more people, and we have been guided through every step of the way. The great thing about INSET Online is that you feel you’re in a very safe pair of hands. They make it easy for you to give the best online presentation you can."
Julie Lawes, Director, Catch Up -
"The team at INSET Online has worked tirelessly to help us develop online practices that work best for us and has been dedicated to getting every aspect of our online training right first time. AQA has exacting standards and so does INSET Online: together we strive continuously to deliver the best possible training and support online for our customers and our customers tell us they are highly satisfied."
"The support Inset provide in the design of the conference, the materials, training to deliver effectively and hosting the event live is superb. The hosts are there in the background providing coninual support, feedback and encouragement throughout the live event, to make the experience smooth and enjoyable for everyone involved. With professionalism and humour they provide a very effective service. I would recommend them to anyone interested in delivering live training over the internet."
Julie Olsson, META Limited